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Roadhogs Recruitment

Farm Worker - Ref Sept 12

General Information

Position Required
Farm Worker 


Sept 12

Driving Licence

Farm Work

Expected Salary


Our candidate is looking for a new agriculture job and is keen to work on a pig farm.

They are 19 years old and have some knowledge and experience in agriculture. During the last couple of years, they have been working on an organic dairy farm, milking 240 autumn-calving cows and rearing 80 replacement heifers yearly. During the summer, they gathered and split around about 100 tonnes of wood to fuel the house’s heating and hot water for the summer. They then moved to a conventional farm, milking 180 cows all year-round calving system and looking after their 300 beef cows as well as modernising the calf rearing unit for better results and cutting costs by 50% after four weeks of age with great success.

For a year in between school and college, they worked alongside a carpenter to gain more practical experience. Before this, they attended Brymore secondary school, which focused on agriculture, land-based and horticulture. There, they carried out once a half-term (every six weeks) a week of duties as an H.O.D (head of department) on a 90-acre school farm, looking after pigs and poultry, milking or lambing as well as helping on the weekends to gain further experience. As well as studying agriculture, they studied horticulture and design tech. They can use various machines such as a lathe, band saw, pillar drill and computer software.


Housing Required

Willing to Travel
Can commute from LN10

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